“This wonderful school is a really special place for our children.”
Curriculum Statement - September 2019
To develop a curriculum that teaches about the importance of looking after our world; where the appropriate subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding, set out in the National Curriculum, enables children to flourish, reach and then exceed their potential academically, physically and spiritually.
To develop learners to have a holistic set of values that prepares them for life in the modern world in a diverse and ever changing community.
To develop the behaviours learners need to succeed in the world such as concentration, perseverance, imagination, co-operation, the enjoyment of learning, self-improvement and curiosity.
To understand spirituality in themselves and others, develop social skills and understand society, build a firm set of personal values, and to engage in the culture they live in and understand the cultures of others.
Outdoor learning threads across the entire curriculum to create meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences.
Throughout everything, the learning of fundamental British Values and opportunities to develop wider understanding of the modern world are threaded through the curriculum, through our value based learning.
There is more detail on the implementation of our curriculum on the subject pages of our website. Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that children's learning is centred around age appropriate skills; we take this approach in all subjects.
In Reading, through a varied curriculum, which includes a variety of genres, individual and group reading, covering key skills needed to become a great reader - understanding inference, retrieval of information, authorial intent, understanding of text layout to name a few. Children access author based book collections, the class library, and have high quality reading experiences. Teachers ensure that children regularly read at home and in school.
We use a combination of PhonicsPlay, Jolly Phonics and the Letters & Sounds scheme to ensure the teaching of phonics is effective.
In Writing, children write through real experiences which focus on their interests. They learn to become great writers through experiencing quality texts. They study a new book each half term, and generate high quality writing opportunities from this.
In Maths, children develop mathematical skills through a consistent Mastery approach.
In the foundation subjects, we use a progressive, skill based curriculum to ensure all of the foundation subjects are taught at age appropriate level and through an engaging enquiry format.
Children will become citizens that are environmentally aware at both a local and global level.
They will have a confident set of skills, knowledge and Christian values which can be used to get ahead in education and life more generally. In short they will learn more, remember more, enjoy more and develop more spiritually, socially and emotionally. Thus enabling them to be ready for their next stage in education.
Children will be guided by a strong moral compass, showing an understanding of the importance of being safe, ready to listen/learn whilst being respectful.
The children leave the school in Year 6 ready to move on to secondary school successfully. They will be academically, physically and spiritually strong, with an established love of learning and the environment.
For a number of years, Oakridge Parochial School has continued its commitment to a creative curriculum approach.
At the heart of a ‘creative curriculum’ are the interests and needs of its pupils. If children are actively involved in their learning they naturally become more engaged and are more likely to achieve high standards. A creative curriculum aims to foster a student's social, emotional and intellectual development as well as a real love of learning.
This approach enables children to deepen their understanding of a topic by developing their skills across a broad and balanced range of subjects. They investigate, read and write for different purposes, researching their own questions and those posed by others. By providing lots of learning challenges throughout the academic year our children become problem solvers, often in real life contexts, applying themselves creatively and expressing their knowledge and understanding effectively, right across the curriculum.