Well Being

Well Being

“I like the way she teaches us differently when we go outside to do maths and science, it’s more fun.”

  • At Oakridge School we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences challenges in life that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everyone's right and we all have a vital role to play.

    We aim to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for every member of our school community including parents. We recognise that children's mental health and wellbeing can affect their learning and their lives and impact on future achievements. A key aspect of our role as a school is to ensure that children get the right support to reach their potential or access help when they need it. We also have a vital role in ensuring that children learn about what they can do to maintain positive mental health, what can affect their mental health and where they can go if they need help and support.

    Positive wellbeing is promoted throughout our curriculum and school culture. Through a carefully planned curriculum, our pupils acquire appropriate knowledge and develop the skills and understanding they need to lead confident, independent and healthy lives and to become resilient and responsible individuals.

  • Providing early help to the children and families at Oakridge School means we are more effective in promoting support as soon as we can. Early help means providing support as soon as a problem emerges, at any point in a child’s life, from the foundation years through to teenage years. As a small school we pride ourselves on knowing all of our children very well.

    At Oakridge Parochial School our staff meet regularly with the Head teacher to discuss each child’s performance. Input from all members of staff is included in this meeting. Staff can also speak to the Head Teacher at any time they have a concern about a child, including the following:

    How the child presents


    Attitudes to learning


    Family issues

    Additional needs

    Any support they receive

    General progress

    Other agencies involved

    This allows us to identify any children and families that would benefit from early help, it allows us to help them access to services in the school and beyond the school. From these meetings we form our schools’ SEND list including any vulnerable children.

  • We have 3 members of staff who have had the enhanced L3 safeguarding certificate.

    PREVENT TRAINING – Radicalisation.

    CHANNEL ONLINE TRAINING - All staff have currently completed this.

    CSE TRAINING - All staff have been trained on Child Sexual Exploitation

    FGM ONLINE TRAINING - All staff have currently completed training on Female Genital Mutilation

    At Oakridge Parochial School we meet the needs of our children through a variety of ways:

    Pupil Voice – our children are actively encouraged to speak about any concerns they have to a member of staff. In lessons and through our Christian Values children are taught to speak openly about their emotions. Our Children know our staff take all their concerns very seriously.

    Questionnaires - Children complete questionnaires or have their views collected to identify any issues. Parents are informed and training is offered.

    When we conduct pupil voice for any subject or learning walk we ask children: Are you happy? Do you feel safe?

    The school has signed up for GHLL review of provision.

    All teachers and staff know precisely how to identify and report concerns – Blue Safeguarding concern forms.

    Child protection files are kept by the Head teacher, which build up a chronology. All referrals are summarised and updated continually.

    Admin follows ‘Missing From Education Guidance’

    All new staff complete safeguarding inductions

    We have a designated teacher for children in care

    The Head teacher has signed up for GSCB alerts

    We have evidence of annual recording that staff have read:

    Keeping Children Safe in Education Part 1

    Child Protection Policy

    Safer working practice

    ICT User Agreement

  • The school keeps detailed records of pupil attendance and if attendance dips below 80% this is discussed with parents.

    The school operates a first day response system.

  • The school follows a rigorous reward/ sanction system through our Behaviour and Discipline Policy.

    Our Christian Values underpin all our morals and standards of behaviour.

  • SENCO Mr Wright

    Works with children and families with additional needs and can signpost parents to many different agencies including for example: GCC Early Help support, speech and language therapists, Educational Psychiatrists, health workers and occupational health services.

    Designated Safeguarding Lead

    Mr Preston (Head Teacher) and Nadia Scott (Child Protection Governor)

    Ensure rigorous and robust systems are in place across the school to ensure the safety of all of our children. Oakridge Parochial School always acts in the interest of the child.

    Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

    Mrs Modaley

    At Oakridge Parochial School early assessments help identify the specific needs of our children and families, so that they can be assigned to the correct interventions for their educational, social and emotional needs.

    We believe that quality first teaching is far more powerful than children being removed from class for different interventions, although in some cases they do play apart in targeting specific needs.

    Interventions are targeting at individual children or small groups and take place at convenient times during the day.

    Our interventions are wide-ranging and include some of the following:

    Fizzy – targeting Gross Motor Skills

    Reading groups

    Precision teaching

    Pre-learning groups

    Specific time with a TA to address specific learning difficulties or gaps in learning

If you need help there are a number of places you can turn to for ideas and support. The links below will be very useful if you feel that you or your child may need extra help. These pages will also signpost upcoming workshops, meetings, webinars and online wellbeing classes for all over the coming weeks and months.

Gloucestershire Early Help

Stroud Neurodiversity Project

Support for Parents with wellbeing and positive mental health

Neurodiversity Conference 2023 Parents Links