At Oakridge Parochial School we are committed to inclusion for all children. Outlined below you will find information on what you can expect if you choose to send your child to our school. However, please contact the school directly, should you have any specific questions that you would like answered which are not addressed below, or if you would like further information on our SEND provision.
Oakridge Parochial School values the contribution that every child can make and is supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress. The school seeks to raise the achievement, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access to all. All children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) are valued, respected and considered equal members of the school. As such, provision for pupils with SEND is a matter for the school as a whole. All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND. The Governing Body, Headteacher, SENDCo and all other members of staff are responsible for teaching children with SEND. This local offer is in line with the school SEND policy which can be accessed via the website or by contacting the school office.
Please use the drop down menu below to find out who are the best people are to talk to in the school about your child’s difficulties with learning/Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND).
All Gloucestershire schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs pupils, make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with a Special Educational Need/s and or disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible and where families want this to happen.
Local Authorities are required to publish information about services they provide for children with disabilities and Special Educational Needs. This is called the 'Local Offer'. The intention is to offer choice and transparency for families, as well as providing a resource for professionals to detail the range of services and provision locally. In addition to this schools are required to provide more detailed information about how they identify and respond to the needs of children with SEN and disabilities.
At Oakridge Parochial School the SENDCo has responsibility for the overall management of SEND in the school. They are responsible for:
Co-ordinating all the support for children with SEND needs and developing the school’s SEND policy to make sure the needs of these children are being met.
Ensuring that parents of children with SEND are involved in supporting their child’s learning, are kept informed about the support their child is getting and are involved in reviewing how things are going.
Liaising with outside agencies who may come and support your child’s learning (e.g. Speech and Language).
Updating the schools SEND register and making sure there are records of your child’s progress and learning needs.
Providing support for other staff in the school so they can help children with SEND in the school to achieve the best progress possible.
Working with class teachers, parents, children and other professionals to write EHC plans.
The Class Teacher is responsible for:
Keeping appropriate records on your child and their progress, which can be used to identify areas of support.
Working with the SENDCo and identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need.
Working with the SENDCo to share and review assessment and progress information.
Informing you of progress at Parent’s Evenings.
Ensuring that all additional adults working with your child in school are helped to deliver the planned work for your child, so they can achieve the best possible progress.
Work with outside agencies who may offer advice and help to support your child.
Ensure they follow the school’s SEND policy.
The Headteacher is responsible for:
The day to day management of all aspects of the school, including the support for children with SEND.
Ensuring that the needs of SEND are met.
Keeping the Governing Body up to date about any issues in the school relating to SEND.
Working with the School Business Manager and Governors to plan and spend money for children with SEND effectively, monitoring the impact of such spending.
There is an appointed Governor for SEND. This Governor will be kept informed of SEND in the school by the SENDCo and Headteacher. They will make sure that the necessary support is made for any child who attends school who has SEND.
If you have concerns about your child’s progress you should speak to your child’s teacher initially, by arranging an appointment or at a Parent’s Evening.
If you are not happy that the concerns are being managed and that your child is still not making progress you should speak to the SENDCo or Headteacher.
If you are still not happy then you can speak to the SEND Governor.