“There are very few people who we have met that are as warm and caring as you; we know our children are in the best hands, so thank you.”
Academic Year 2024/2025
Monday 24th February - Start of Term 4
Tuesday 25th February - Local author to visit school
Thursday 27th February - Whole School visit to Oakbrook Community Farm
Friday 28th February - am - Forest Schools for Class 1
- am - Writing workshop for Class 2
- 3.15pm - OSA event at allotments
Monday 3rd March - Open the Book in Church
Tuesday 4th March - 6pm - 6.45pm - Stories by Candlelight
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Friday 7th March - Forest Schools for Class 2
- book swap/sale and cake competition
Tuesday 11th March - Bikeability for Y6 pupils (Thursday 13th March - back up day if needed)
Wednesday 12th March - Quick Sticks Hockey at SP for some KS2 pupils - details TBC
Friday 14th March - am - Forest Schools for Class 1
- 2.30pm - 4pm - Basketball at Thomas Keble for some Y5 & 6 pupils - details TBC
Monday 17th March - Open the Book in Church
Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day
- am - Forest Schools for Class 2
Monday 24th March - Class 1 to Copsegrove - TBC
Friday 28th March - am - Forest Schools for Class 1
- Quick Sticks Hockey at TK for some Y5/6 pupils (2.30pm - 4pm)
Monday 31st March - Open the Book in Church
Wednesday 2nd April - Inclusive Panathlon Challenge at SPLC 9am - 11.30am
Friday 4th April - am - Forest Schools for Class 2
Tuesday 8th April - Parent Evening - times TBC
Thursday 10th April - Parents Evening - times TBC
Friday 11th April - End of Term 4
- am - Forest Schools For Class 1