“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.”
Our intention at Oakridge School is to inspire and develop a love and understanding of music. We aim to do this by listening, singing, playing, appraising and composing. Where possible we try to link with other curriculum areas. Whole class instrumental lessons are taught in school – currently recorder - and children are encouraged to learn an instrument and sing in the choir.
At Oakridge School, in KS1 and KS2, music is taught by following the Charanga music scheme. All musical learning in this scheme is built around the interrelated dimensions of music: pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture, structure and notation. These dimensions are at the centre of all the learning. Each unit of work consists of the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music and are organised by:
Listening and Appraising
Musical Activities • Warm-up Games • Optional Flexible Games • Singing • Playing instruments • Improvisation • Composition.
Performing Charanga enables children to understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. Learning about the same musical concept through different musical activities enables a more secure, deeper learning and mastery of musical skills.
Music in the EYFS is incorporated in the Early Learning Goals for Expressive Arts and Design. It is an integral part of reception topic work such as counting songs in Maths and learning songs from different cultures to increase a child’s knowledge and understanding of the world.
The impact of our curriculum is that children at Oakridge School have opportunities to experience and explore a variety of musical styles, musical instruments and performance opportunities. Children build upon their musical experience as they progress through school and have confidence to perform using their voices and instruments.