Religious Education


Religious Education

“Carolyn was my first impression of Oakridge School many years ago and that has stayed with me. The smile she greets everyone with in the mornings and always a helpful hand at the ready.”

The 2017-2022 Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education has the following ‘Principle Aim’. 

The principle aim for Religious Education is to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. 

At Oakridge, we follow the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus as we value the aims it sets out to achieve, and believe it works in tandem with our own school vision of ‘Through our roots we flourish’, and our core values of Friendship, Generosity & Perseverance, alongside the wider Christian values of Compassion, Courage, Forgiveness, Justice, Respect, Service, Thankfulness, Trust and Truthfulness.  

In delivering the Gloucestershire Agreed Syllabus, we use planning and resources from the ‘NATRE’ (National Association of Teachers of Religious Education) schemes of work, and supported further by resources from ‘Understanding Christianity’. 

As a Church of England school, alongside our teaching of Christianity, we encourage the children to develop an understanding of the world’s major religions and to appreciate the moral and spiritual teachings of all faiths. Our close links with the church and the local reverend strengthen the community and re-affirm our core values, roots and ideals.     

The school itself is situated close to the church, where we hold our weekly Open the Book sessions with members of the church community, in addition to our weekly Celebration Worships. We also hold special termly Celebration Worships for all parents and carers, six times a year, where we reflect on the previous term and focus in on the children’s achievements. The church is also used for other events within the Christian Calendar, where we celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter.  

We are dedicated to being an inclusive school. All that we do is underpinned by our shared values, and our vision for all members of the community to flourish through their roots. 

Click here to view the school’s Christian Values.